
Live on mission this Halloween.

Halloween is a great time to get together with friends and family, but it is also a fun night to connect with your neighbors! Many families are looking for ways to make this night fun and memorable. With a little planning, you can create a simple event that will help you engage with your neighbors. Get together with your Connect Group or group of friends and use this guide to plan your night!


Don’t do life alone! 
Decide who you will do this with you. It could be your Connect Group, another family that lives in your area, or a group from your difference-maker team.
Be welcoming! 
No matter what you decide to do,  make it an informal comfortable place where people feel welcomed.
Be present!
During the night, be sure you are connecting with people as you hand out candy or play games.
Be generous!
When gathering treats, think back to when you were a kid. Everyone loved the house that gave their best!


  1. Host a Neighborhood Block Party
  2. Reverse trick or treat. Take goodies TO your neighbors!
  3. Offer a Hot Chocolate Station.
  4. Host a Driveway Movie.
  5. Hand out hotdogs!
  6. Offer a Cookie Decorating Station.
  7. Play Yard Games!
  8. Neighborhood Trunk or Treat: Plan this one with your Connect Group or neighbors and block off an area so kids can move from trunk to trunk for fun games, candy and prizes. 
  9.  Set up a fire pit and offer a S’mores bar.
  10.  Offer a craft table. Have an easy option for younger kids and a more involved project for older kids.  



  • Pray before the night begins.
  • Keep it simple.
  • Be prepared.
    • Decide who is doing what.
    • Have plenty of supplies and treats.
    • Have a backup plan for inclement weather.
  • Have FUN!


  • Hand out tracks. Instead, have conversations and get to know people!
  • Forget that safety comes first. Consider allergies and special needs of kids in your neighborhood.


The week after, be sure to reconnect with the people in your neighborhood that you met. Get to know their stories AND share your story with them!
We’d love to hear how your night went and celebrate with you! If you hosted a Halloween event, let your Campus Pastor know how it went.