We will change the world by MULTIPLYING DISCIPLES.
We use the B.L.E.S.S. journey to do this.

Begin with prayer
We want to be people that pray for others. Spend some time this week asking the Holy Spirit- who are 3 to 5 people that you could start praying for today?
Building relationships starts with listening. We want to be people who don’t just listen to respond. We want to listen because we care. Begin to really listen to the people you’ve been praying for.
Eat Together
Spending time together is so important when building a relationship. Time is also hard to come by at times. We all have to eat so take some of your meals and invite other people to have them with you. This can be a great place to practice really listening as well.
As you are growing in your friendships with people by praying for them, listening to them and eating with them, begin to think of ways you can serve them. This may be the most powerful piece of the process. Serving someone has the ability to break down spritual barriers unlike anything else.
Share your story
As you are on your BLESS journey we believe the Holy Spirit will provide moments to use your God story to point people towards Christ. Take some time and make sure you know your God story well enough that you could share it with someone in a small amount of time.